The business dashboard needs different view, features and it should be simple to use.
The Challenge
How to define the 'business specific' dashboard.
Every business structure, size, types are different and the dashboard's components should actively be adopted to its specific needs.
This means the dashboard should consist of:
1. Dashboard type
2. Components in data visualisation (in modular, widget type)
3. Account accessibility management
4. Business type and size
Dashboard type
Like any other view in the product, the dashboard has a specific purpose that it's undertaken to serve. There are multiple popular ways to categorise the dashboards based on the purpose.
The dashboard type can be used as the template, pre-built to shorten the setup process. However, I feel like this needs more study carefully.
1. Operational Dashboard - this dashboard helps the user to see what's happening right now.
2. Analytical dashboards - this dashboard gives the user a clear view of performance trends and potential problems.
3. Strategic dashboard - this type of dashboard let the user track their main strategic goals via KPIs

Components in data visualisation (in modular, widget type)
Data visualisation is the graphical representation of information and data. Using visual elements like charts, graphs, maps and data visualisation tools provides an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

Account accessibility management
Business account may require several accessibility level to be able to manage the group of employee's profile or individuals.
1. Super Administrator
2. Administrator
3. Author/Editor
4. Group manager / Team leader
5. Individual
Intuitive accessibility to the individual profile within the group and/or overviewing the group user's activities are key to display. More thought on interaction between individual and group need to be done as well.
Business type and size
Business type can be the industry type. And each industry's most required functions on dashboard can be judged by:
1. UX Research
2. User's interview
3. Workflow testing
Definition of Business size is helpful setup the account levels. The business could be categorised in 3 sections.
1. Small - 1-20 employees
2. Medium - 20 - 199 employees
3. Large - 199+ employees
Each business's demands are really various. It can be a unique but also in common. Can be reused the functions in other category, and so on. Having the set of widget would be something meet the needs.
A lot of UX/UI research is the key.
Design thinking outcomes
After the some ideation, understanding of the product and researches, I have come up with some statements that will bring on the solutions. (Higher priority is bolder)
'Each business dashboard should be specific to the needs'
'Modular functions library (widget library)'
'Modular design approach subdivides a system into smaller parts and this can be a component'
'Setting up business account is similar to decision making process'
'Type of dashboard can be defined when setting up the business account'

The Solution
The first-time login is the moment that let the user to decide what type of the dashboard want to setup for the business account.
And How? I have 2 suggestions.
1. Top-down approach
Identify the big picture and all of its components. These components are usually the driving force for the end goal. Simply it is general to specific.
Now, it could be template-based account setup with the ability to modify.

2. Bottom-up approach
Begins at the specific and moves to general. Simply specific to general.
Start with the series of questionnaire to define the user's requirements and suggest the type of template might suit. And allows the modification ability as well.

Next phase
This exercise should not finish here. I have a lot more to talk about.
Reach me out anytime, I am ready to answer any complex questions!
0411 713 626 / imagehubs@gmail.com
Young Kim